COMPUTER MAINTENANCE Services On Long Island, NY And Via Remote Support
We only offer computer maintenance that is efficient and long lasting because it is based on a pro active approach and on a monthly basis; no quick Band-Aids. Your computer might be in good conditions, or it might be already infected with adware and viruses that are corrupting your Internet search, your operating system and data. Maybe you are experiencing issues, errors, and you feel like you want an ally; someone you can call when you need a solution for your computer’s issue; a phone number you can rely on it!
No matter the status of your computer, we will fix it the first time for a fee and then we perform your first monthly computer’s maintenance. From that point on, we will keep it that way! You call us every time you experience an issue and we will help you on the same day.
No other fees besides the monthly payment, no commitments whatsoever, no strings attached. You love us, you stay.
Simply call us at 516-828-1418 to sign up and we will guide you through the process and explain how it works, that simple.
We will jump on your computer instantly or schedule the set-up at your convenience! 9 AM – 4 PM, Mon to Fri, no Saturday, no Sunday, no holidays. If you subscribe after business hours, we will reach out to you the next business day. You can also Contact Us > to schedule an appointment via phone. Only use email for general inquires as the fastest way to reach us is over the phone. You can leave a message if we do not answer and we will get back to you as soon as we can (usually within the same day unless you call us after closing hours, then we will reach out to you on the next business day).
After you click on the “Subscribe” button below the page, you can pay with your PayPal account or choose: “No PayPal account?” to pay with your credit or debit card instead. Secure, safe and encrypted checkout by Paypal, trusted by 300 million people and “Wordfence” secured. We will guide you through it if you call us. It will make it simple and easy for you.
You got an ally, and you got support every day if necessary; when you call us because you have an issue, we might perform the following:
- Eliminating junk Services;
- Defragmentation;
- Cleaning the Registry clean;
- Cleaning Junk System Files;
- Disabling unnecessary services;
- Deactivating unnecessary startup programs;
- Standard Malware Removal;
- Anti-Virus Check;
- Eliminating junk Services;
- Putting to sleep Junk Startup programs;
- Firewall Check;
- Reset Internet Explorer;
- Hard drive check, repair and correction (only logical partitions, physical failure and physical repair is not covered);
- Adware Removal;
- Browser toolbar removal;
- Restore point creation;
- Speed up performance;
- Security Check.
- Personal recommendations are noted and emailed to you if necessary;
- Hardware issues obviously are not covered, for example: if the power supply, hard drive, memory or motherboard dies for example; in those cases, we will help you on-site and charge you a labor fee plus the cost of the replacement part.
- Accidental and intentional negligence is not covered, or not following our recommendations along with our do’s and dont’s.
- In addition, we teach you how to be on guard and protect your confidential information on the first appointment.
- Other terms and conditions apply as per our terms found on the footer of our website and as indicated to you via email and/or contract.
Call for pricing at 516-828-1418 and get your computer’s PEACE OF MIND. No commitments, no contracts, no cancellation fees and no strings attached whatsoever – on-a-per month and on-a-per satisfaction basis.
Do not hesitate, you love us, you stay. Your computer will run beautifully, no errors, no issues and if something arises nonetheless our proactive approach (anti phishing and security implementation techniques), you call us and we’ll take care of it! Contacting us when an issue arises, is where the value is. We call you back on the same day and we take care of the issue.
Wish to have us guide you towards the subscription below? Do you have questions or doubts? Call us now at 516-828-1418 and we will help you on-the-fly. Mon to Fri 9 AM – 4 PM. Sat, Sun and all major holidays we are non-operational.
Remote Support Download (straight from the website) it takes less than 30 seconds.
Call 516-828-1418 if you need help at any time.
Thank you for choosing us for your computer support. tech support, computer’s issues and for your computer’s monthly maintenance!