IT Support and Office Migration from Old Computers and Servers to New Ones – Moving from one location to another or remaining on the same location but migrating data and network from old equipment to the new one.

IT Support and Office Migration from Old Computers and Servers to New Ones
Migrating an entire office from old computers to new ones, from an old server to a new one, independently from the action of moving these physically, can be a real challenge, it is delicate work; requires brain-surgery-like precision; patience and lots of effort and creativity when necessary.
We get calls from business owners that ask us to transfer everything, all of their data from their old workstations to new desktop computers, and our answer is: absolutely! We do require an assessment first which enables us to assess:
- the software you use, programs like Office (word, excel, power point, Outlook, etc.), Quickbooks or Sage, Internet browsers, productivity software, databases, to name a few;
- Your hardware specs, memory, hard drive speed
and type, processor, for your computers and the server; network router; switches, etc.; - Your network configuration, usually this is one of the most important aspects of an office and most owners simply are unaware of it, and they don’t realize that most of the control is set and configured there in your router, firewall and server;
- Your business necessities: for example once we discovered that they assigned an employee to perform a daily backup of their Outlook emails and when we saw
that, we got shocked; what a waste of time and force; we suggested a few automaticcloud back up solutions which are incredibly and ridiculously inexpensive and set free an employee whom can now return to produce for that business and be useful in so many other needed ways.
IT Support Assessment Service Fee
We bill a $250 fee for the assessment and it is deductible from the final cost (call 516-828-1418 to ensure this will be your pricing as exceptions might apply). We build a report and a quote listing all the current issues, solutions, a plan of action and a timeframe to migrate everything over the new computers.

IT Support and Migration – We Make it Easy For You
One of the most problematic aspects during
When we hear that, we explain what we have to overcome at times to offer a seamless migration and what is involved; it is delicate work, it takes acute skills and lots of patience; with our experience, we usually resolve and accomplish everything in one day on average but it’s always on a per case basis.
We do not want you to feel like you wouldn’t be able to do it but the reality is that unless you are an IT, you should let the pros do their job. It is just not your fault as many times, you as the owner, do not realize the scale of the process and the implications that can come from the migration.

We have performed thousands and thousands of migrations for small and medium-sized offices, ranging from 2 to 100 workstations and things can get complex but nothing is complicated.
We are skilled IT technicians and with 18+ years of experience, we are able to get past any bumps and with intelligent workarounds, and a bit of strategy and creativity, we solve any issues and manage to migrate the most stubborn scenarios (when Windows has no official released solutions and/or for new bugs, custom issues or proprietary ones).
Data is just data and by itself, won’t do much unless it can be used, opened, modified and shared.
We can implement any type of sharing from the server to any workstation and set permissions depending on your necessities.
We always find the best and most efficient solution which happens to be the most cost-effective too. It all depends on your business, we operate on a per case basis.
If a business has employees taking pictures and videos at the client’s location, there will be a need of immediate speed, storage and a consolidated, unified solution that becomes accessible by the staff and from any device!
We will create a setup that is simple, easy and won’t overwhelm your workers. Our goal is to create an efficient workflow and user-friendly management tasks, and where all of it, can be shared over the

We Come On-Site With a Box of Donuts and Coffee
We wish to make the day pleasant for everyone, for your team, for us, and donuts and coffee makes us smile and pumps our brain with
- We always start with data extraction and recovery from the main hard drives where the main data resides;
- We always save your original hard drives and your old equipment in case we need to step back and retrieve something that by accident might have not carried over;
- We initiate the unboxing, setup and installation of the new operating systems for example if you are moving from Windows 7 to Windows 10;
- We transfer the data into the new system(s);
- We build/re-build the server;
- We enable the sharing over the network at the router level;
- We set the firewall and your security;
- We implement the connection of all computers with the server;
- We install any software;
- We set up the sharing of any databases like Quickbooks or Sage, for example, if these need to be shared with other workstations;
- We migrate all of your emails and its history (sent emails, custom folders, received emails, etc.), Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.;
- We take care of any printers, scanners, fax; for the copiers, the lessor is responsible for such support;
- We build intelligent shortcuts to speed up your work.
We go through each step and task performed with you; we verify that all has been accomplished and that all works as per your old configuration. We leave nothing to guess-work and we are very precise.
In addition, we offer a buffer timeframe (the exact number of days may vary depending on the job that was performed, type, nature, quantity, etc.) which will ensure we can make tweaks afterward if anything might have escaped your mind or ours.
After a job, a few days later, especially after a full migration from old computers to new ones, it is normal to feel a bit confused and you might need us to make a few tweaks or set a very small task that might have been missed or accidentally forgotten.
During these buffer days, we remote into your computers within 2 hours of your call, and make it right.
Contact us if you wish to schedule an assessment appointment whether you are in need of physically moving your equipment from one location to another, or are upgrading your computers, operating systems, or in need of migrating your whole office configuration to new equipment.
At times, some software and programs won’t be compatible with a new operating system, for
There will be a bit of learning curve on your part and your employees, no doubt, and they will all have to get accustomed to a new interface, design, and certain new functionalities and dynamics. In the end, it will have been worth it and after a few days, usually, all goes back to normal and in better conditions. Our timeframes are speedy and although each job is different, we will always let you know right after the assessment the timeframe
Email us directly at or at to schedule the assessment or call us directly at 516-828-1418. Thank you.
So long!
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