There is a guy that will repair my computer for $50
There Is A Guy That Will Repair My Computer For $50
I know of a guy that will repair my computer for $50, no matter what the computer’s issue is, he does it all! That is what some people say to themselves or what they would recommend to their friends. They think it will be a good referral plus it will make them look good.
We all shop around for the best prices no matter what we are looking for, whether a service or a product. When it comes to computers, some wish to have these repaired for as little money as possible, and as quick as possible. I can’t blame them, especially in these times of global financial struggle.
We all look for the guy that does it all at a shockingly low price but will the service or product be of a good quality and as advertised?
Will That Be Worth?
Is it going to last long or be reliable? If you are lucky maybe. Most times you will get a crappy service. It is statistically correct to say so.
When I hear that sentence above, I say: Sure! There is a guy that will come to your house; will mow your lawn; make you coffee; do an oil change and fix your computer. He’ ll do that, all of it, for a special and truly unbelievable price of $50, wow!
Furthermore, there is nothing wrong with these people trying to make a quick buck, but some of them should stick to what they know best and not give a customer false expectations.
Next time you are thinking of calling “that guy” make sure to get more information about that person rather than just trusting a name and a phone number.
I have a lot of respect for the computer repair profession. Anyone doing this for a living and professionally obviously wouldn’t charge super low rates. This because it is a time-consuming job that requires problem-solving skills, computer’s knowledge, experience, a lot of patience and creativity.
Cheap pricing only creates an economic illusion.
Ask Me: Do You Shop at Walmart?
Maybe twice in my whole life and I wish never to go back. Big corporations export wealth from our communities and import it to countries like China. That puts every Pa’ and Ma’ store out of business; it erodes the middle class and the good jobs. It also certainly impoverishes our country in the long run!
Think twice next time. Don’t feed the monster that eats away our economy and opportunities.
Have you wondered where your children and grandchildren will go to work before they graduate, and at times even afterward? They will take jobs at Walmart or McDonald’s because that is what is mainly available.
Those Pa’ and Ma’ stores were actually offering a decent salary and real benefits. Now you got one Walmart, ten crappy jobs, and no future!
It doesn’t take a mathematician, an economist or both to realize that the whole economy is no more, no less than an exchange.
Invest your money in domestic products and services, from groceries to electronics, and price these fairly to create remunerative job opportunities.
Simplified: The cheaper you buy, the poorer you and I become.
I sincerely hope to expand my company and get a chance to reinvent and reintroduce worker’s rights, a satisfactory work environment that will inspire our new generations and pave the way to a successful, concrete future.
Understanding the importance of paying a professional fairly and not look to undermine his/her dignity and abuse him/her with a low pay is essential to a good local and national economy. Would you like to get paid very little?
I will continue to share my random thoughts and tips about the tech world and my business.
I must go now, I got a guy coming to my house to fix my dishwasher, and am only paying $50 for it :).
Stay tuned!
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