Tech support scam defense – Let us defend you from tech scams, impersonators and scammers
Listen above to a phone call with a real customer of mine, our tech scam defense service in action; one of the many calls we get on a daily basis. Watch the video/phone call above where I explain how I will defend you against tech support scams, scammers and any other type of tech scams, bogus emails, impersonators calls trying to scam you out of your hard earned money!
The video/phone call above is a 2 minutes example of an extremely nice lady (a client of mine) that is not very knowledgeable with computers and many times they have tried to scam her via email or phone call or via websites.
They also try to scam anyone via dating apps, dating websites, games you play on Facebook and on your computer, etc. However, they did not scam her because when she senses danger, SHE CALLS US and here is the result, hear for yourself if you have not clicked PLAY yet on the video/call above.
Continue reading the article below where I explain how our tech scam defense service works, what you get, what you don’t, how this is a personalized and exclusive service, and what inspired me to help you (eye-opening documentary below to watch too).
At the very bottom of this page, I am also linking a documentary and investigation made by CNA Insider revealing the shocking truth behind these scam tech centers. It is eye opening and you should watch it, it will only make you better at warding off these types of tech support scams.
I CAN HELP YOU! With my service plan, I can help you not being scammed in the first place.
Are you over 50 years old? Do you use a Windows computer? If yes, you will be targeted by a tech support scam and you will lose thousands of dollars.
Did you suddenly get a pop up on your computer saying you got infected with a virus?
Do you get calls from people saying they are Microsoft or Google or Apple or Amazon or the IRS?
Do you get emails trying to bait you?
Let us defend you against computer tech scams, bogus emails, and fake tech/impersonators phone calls. you are not alone , you got me now!
Are you in trouble?
Do not fall victim to these ruthless scammers, they take advantage of your lack of technical knowledge, bamboozle and trick you and will steal your money.
Let us defend you against a computer tech support scam, bogus emails, and fake tech/impersonators phone calls.
We protect you against tech scammers, call us now at 516-828-1418 to speak directly with Marc and get signed up with our plan.
We will protect you against these types of scams and who we are
You will always know who to call; you will always know who to trust every time you get a pop up on your computer screen, or a weird/suspicious email or a call from a scammer, an impersonator posing as a famous tech company.
Fastest way to sign up is to call us now at 516-828-1418, or write this down by your mouse-pad right this very second and call us when you are ready.
This is a personalized human to human service, you deal directly with me over the phone, Mon to Fri 9 AM – 4 PM for support, up to 5 PM for general inquires.
We are in NY, a domestic corporation with 12 years in business, tons of reputation and 5 star reviews from clients all over the United States, not just Long Island and New York.
Away with phantom, ghostly and faceless tech support scams, scammers and fraudsters
Every time you call me (Marc), I will personally help you against a tech support scam or any type of tech scams, more specifically, I will protect you from the scammer by removing the popup from your computer, ensuring the legitimacy of an email message, or a bogus phone call where they tried to impersonate a famous company; I will direct you to make the right moves. Let me deal with it, you sit back and relax.
One wrong move on your part, and the scammers will take away all your savings and hard earned money and they do this with no care in the world, inhumanly, and ruthlessly.
Especially if you are mostly alone with no one to consult at that very moment, they create panic and instill fear by alarming you and then by taking your money away with the pretense of resolving your issue.
Do you think you are safe from these scammers? Think again, how do you think they make billions of dollars per year? Because they scam millions of people like you that fit a certain profile.
I care to help you if you allow me and with commitment and quality. Speak with me (Marc) directly by calling 516-828-1418 and ask me any questions about our scam tech protection service.
Continue reading below on how automated software, anti-spam calls won’t work and how our personalized and exclusive human to human service is the only way to defeat these tech scams.
You will not deal with automated software, nothing to download and install, talk to a human: ME (Marc)
You will not deal with automated software or someone new or that you don’t know already. This is a personalized service. No software to download, no popup blockers or anti spam bots which are useless and don’t talk back and won’t be there for you when the scam is about to occur.
You call and you talk to me directly, period.
Hurry because we are also only accepting a limited number of clients requests up to a volume that we can handle without compromising the quality of our service. Once we reach that number, we won’t take on any further clients or at least for a while until further expansion.
You are guaranteed help on the same day (max. within 2 hours of your call) and as long as you call us bet. 9 AM and 4 PM (eastern/NY time, -5 GMT), Mon to Fri.
Sat, Sun and major holidays we are closed. If you call after hours, leave a message and you are guaranteed a call back by me on the next business/operational day.
Why not block popups and scammers calls instead?
It’s simple, call a human being like me that decided to be on the other side of the coin, the good side, the force against evil 🙂
Having an ALLY like me, it’s like having insurance.
For only $29/month with absolutely no contracts, no penalties fees of any kind, no cancellation fees of any kind, no fees whatsoever, on a per month and on a per satisfaction basis, we will protect you from these types of tech scams.
If you are not satisfied at any point, you simply cancel, no fees of any kind and no obligations whatsoever.
We want you to be happy with our service provided and understand that this is like having an ALLY where every single time you get a pop up, or an email or someone calls you saying they are from Microsoft, Google, Amazon or Apple for example, you call us and we will intervene and protect you from these scams by investigating in real time if it’s legitimate or not.
Either way, we make sure you call the appropriate numbers or contact the appropriate websites if necessary. Plus we remove the scam pop up message from your computer. That simple and that efficient.
Call us now at 516-828-1418 to sign up, I will explain again how our service works and guide you through it on your computer.
I want and need you to feel comfortable, get to know me and our service, answer any questions you might have and clear any hesitations or doubts.
After the sign up, I will also mail you our mouse pad, magnet, business card, the simple rules to abide by and our sticker with our phone number on it that you can stick right under your keyboard or on your computer so you never have to lose us.
What if the tech scam occurs during after hours when we are not operational?
We are going to mail you rules to keep nearby your computer and your phone so you do not forget, plus our mousepad, sticker magnet with our phone number on it so you will never lose us.
You abide by those rules and wait until the next business day for us to intervene. A bit of patience is needed on your part. You can always and should call your bank directly or the authorities in the meantime if you think you are in danger.
Let us be your number 1 ALLY for when you need defense from a tech support scam, any type of tech scams, a popup on your computer, an email or a website you visit or when you get impersonators phone calls trying to scam you of your money pretending to be a famous tech company like Microsoft for example.
You call us at 516-828-1418 instead and we will protect you!
Tech scam defense plan service
You are happy, you continue with our service, you are not happy for any reasons, you cancel, that simple.
To sign up, call now 516-828-1418 and Marc, the owner, will personally guide you through the sign up and explain or answer any of your questions. Mon to Fri 9 AM – 4 PM (NY/EASTERN -5 TIME) for subscribers and tech scam support.
Three out of five consumers encounter a tech support scam, scary statistics!
Millions of people like you over the age of 50 get scammed every year by fake scam tech centers that will execute tech support type of scams, either attacking your computer with fake virus pop ups or by impersonators calls. People like you have lost hundreds or thousands of dollars over these scammers. Don’t let that happen to you or don’t let it happen again if you have already fallen victim to these fraudsters.
These are faceless scam tech centers usually located in foreign countries and there is almost nothing you can do to get your money back once you get scammed. They are ruthless, cruel and will steal your hard earned money.
Don’t let this happen to YOU. A simple phone call to us at 516-828-1418 and we will intervene beforehand, we will get rid of any pop ups from your computer, ensuring it’s indeed a scam and that it’s not real, and we do the same for the phone number from which you got the call or for a website you visited that tried to scam you or asks for personal and financial information from you.
What you get and what you don’t with our defense service plan against a tech support scam, tech scams, etc.
Read below what you get and what you don’t. Knowing what we don’t offer is just as important as knowing what you get.
I am super straightforward here on this page and we are going through everything already and in detail but I will also explain it to you again over the phone to ensure you know what you are paying for and answer any questions you might have.
Read the bulleted list below of what we do and what we don’t for a quick comparison and to ensure we set the correct expectations with you. After guiding you through the sign up, you can call us for help from tech scam support in these representative instances below:
What is not covered against with our defense service plan against a tech support scam, tech scams, etc.
*A few requirements from you – a bit of knowledge
We do require that you have a bit of understanding of computers just so you can understand our simple and easy instructions in case for example we need to login into your computer to remove a pop up.
People that do not have any understanding whatsoever of a computer, can cause us not to be able to accomplish our job unfortunately, it won’t work.
In that case, for those people, we recommend you sign up for a super beginner tutoring service elsewhere, someone that can guide step by step on how to use the computer; having a bit of basic level of computer understanding like knowing how to check your emails, how to browse the Internet, etc. is very important, otherwise even with clear communication we won’t understand each others.
A bit of common sense from you when checking your emails
It goes without saying that you should know how to block or IGNORE the hundreds of emails you get from solicitors, brands, advertisers, and companies you did not sign up for and that you are familiar already with this process; this because we cannot possibly assist you on a daily basis for every single email you get, it is unrealistic and beyond the scope of what we are offering you; a bit of common sense needs to be implemented on your part.
Read and keep the rules we will send you nearby your computer, and you will know how and when to sense danger and when to call us.
Can you call me every day?
As much as I like to talk and converse with my clients, and as much as I care to help you, I must keep it real and must keep track of my business goals and the scope of my service. As such, I allow a maximum of 5 calls/sessions per month which on average will cover the necessities for any computer user; based on 12 years of doing this, we never had to overcome this number of support sessions unless you call to say hello 🙂
I personally don’t really keep an exact count of the calls or the times you will call me or that you will need my tech scam defense service, but if a pattern of frequent calls is there, then, there is an underlying problem.
That problem could be that maybe you are calling us for reasons beyond our scope of this service, for example you call us with how-to questions and that’s not covered as indicated in the above table of what you do not get.
Or you call us frequently because your computer is heavily infected with viruses, then, we will suggest you hire us to remove the infections so that your computer is not going to be bombarded with pop ups every day. After hiring us to remove the malware from your computer, you will not experience such a frequent assault from pop ups or tech scams attempts.
One additional cause of frequent calls on your part could be due to the fact that you wish for us to check on every email you get, then again, we fall into an unrealistic scenario; in that case, we are not a fit. Continue reading below and you will find the requirements sections which explains what we would require from you in order for this service to work.
$29 per month is a fair and reasonable amount for when you really need us to defend you against tech scams
There will be times you won’t call us at all, months before you need us again or times where you will need us; each time, we could be spending quite a bit of time with you. To give you a perspective, we bill non-subscribers customers normally $150/hour for our time, so if you call us and we spend just about an hour or two, right there, in comparison to our normal rates, your whole $29 per month plan becomes very worthy because you just got the value for an entire year already.
So it works out. We make it fair and we expect good common sense from you to not abuse the system.
On the other hand, if two years pass by, and you never call us, you need to consider the insurance-like aspect, the day you get that popup, or email or call trying to scam you, you have someone like me to help you on the fly that you can trust 101% and rely upon.
Had you not had me, you could have easily fallen prey to a scam tech artist, and the next day, you would wake up with all your bank savings wiped out!
Was it worth leaving our service?
On the other hand, if you don’t ever need my service because you got this and you know exactly every single time how to not get scammed, then, maybe you don’t need this service in the first place and that’s for you to decide and calculate. I can’t make that decision for you. If you stick to our monthly scam defense service (on a per satisfaction-basis), I assume you are happy and satisfied and that you see the insurance-like value of my service and support.
Can you do this on your own?
If that was the case, then the bad guys wouldn’t make 30 billion per year alone in the United States. People that fit your profile, unfortunately are scammed and victimized every 5 minutes on average.
If the scam is too good? Some tech support scams are very cunning!
You might not even realize you are being scammed or that the message/popup you are receiving is a scam or that the call you just got is an impersonator. As such, you might be thinking to yourself: how the heck will I know when to call you? Or how the heck will I know that I am being scammed?
This is where our rules come into play, with our rules nearby your computer and phone at all times, you will be skeptical and you will learn to call us when in doubt and every single time someone, no matter who, asks you to REMOTE INTO YOUR COMPUTER OR WHEN THEY ARE ASKING FOR ANY TYPE OF YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION, CREDIT CARD OR BANK INFO OR FINANCIAL INFO, OR ANYTHING ELSE THAT INVOLVES MONEY that is when you know something could be wrong, the alarm should ring in your head and the next thing you want to do, is hang up the phone and/or shut down the computer and call us.
Prudence on your part is necessary, we cannot possibly guarantee anyone we will save you 100% from being scammed and for more than one reason, one of these, probably the most important, is when you will ignore our rules and you won’t call us.
A solid rule of thumb is to never click on any links from emails even if these appear to you to be completely legitimate messages.
You should always call your bank first if you suspect an authorized charge was made on your account and then you call us and we take care of the computer side and more specifically the popup message, or the suspicious email or the fake tech call. You should also always call the police first if you feel threatened or harassed by someone online or over the phone, on your computer and never wait for us to do that; we cannot replace these official government parties and public services, and as obvious as it might sound, it needs to be said.
Think of it like car insurance
It is not every day that you have a car accident, and it could happen that for 2 years entirely you will never have an accident, but the day you call them because you get a flat tire, your windshield glass breaks, or you got into an accident, they will come to the rescue. By the way if your car insurance doesn’t offer you this type of protection, maybe you need to find a better car insurance company, mine does 🙂
This is an analogy and not an exact one, obviously the difference is that if you get scammed, we cannot help you get the money back and almost no one can, except maybe your bank.
Our service is similar to insurance but it differs in that the intervention happens BEFORE you get scammed upon some preventative measures we implement beforehand, and above all, upon your good sense to follow and abide by the rules we sent you. Those rules are there to trigger an alarm in your mind that something is not right and that you need to call Marc!
No guarantees are ultimately expressed, we cannot possible guarantee everyone that they won’t get scammed, and for so many reasons, as such, do not expect a 100% guarantee of defense against tech scams, no companies in the world can promise you that, and the ones that do, are full of crap and fall within the category of the very scammers we are trying to protect you from.
Does Microsoft with their own antivirus guarantee you 100% that you will never get infected with a virus or malware?
Or that you will never encounter issues with their operating system? Does Apple guarantee that? Does your bank guarantee that you won’t get frauded? Or does your life insurance prevent you from dying? Does your doctor guarantee you in real life that you won’t get sick? You get the point.
We value RESPECT OVER YOUR MONEY plus we need chemistry
We ask for mutual respect, we are humans and we communicate with you correctly and in a straightforward manner and we expect the same type of respect and patience we offer. Not all service providers are professional and neither are all clients, that is just the reality of life and any business; we are also not a mercenary-type of business, we value RESPECT over your money.
There is also a bit of need of chemistry between us, a fit, sometimes personalities do not collide and this can interfere with being on the same page.
As you select me, I select you.
If we are a fit, we will be thanking you, and we will be very happy and honored to help you. We look forward to defending you against these tech scams the best possible way we can and as long as you follow our rules and instructions.
We hope you appreciate this type of straightforwardness which many of our clients find refreshing and admirable versus businesses that will tell you anything just so they can get your money, we are not that.
You might also not like this type of transparency, so to speak, not all people like to hear it for what it is, they want something to be sugar coated, we are not that either. Who truly loves and respects our service, is a client that stays with us for life and we thank them for their patronage.
This is more like an invitation letter with any fine print displayed in big font and ahead of time, explaining the pros and any cons, so you know what you pay for and what you get.
My Promise to you
What we promise is to fulfill our job as indicated here, to call you back and execute those tasks above, no more and no less and you have our 100% commitment to do just that. We are so confident that we can allow ourselves to offer a per month, per satisfaction basis plan, where you have the freedom to cancel at any time without incurring any penalties or cancellation fees or having to be tied to senseless contracts.
I personally hate those types of companies that force you to stick to a service you are not happy with. It just shows they don’t believe in the quality of the service they offer and they feel the need to tie you down. That’s not us.
Emergency contact
Always dial a number from your contacts and never copy it from a web browser, never copy it from the screen of your computer as at times, malware in your computer can change those phone numbers which redirect to the scammer and not to the legit party.
You can call us if you wish for us to cross check a phone number before you call that party if in doubt.
For example if you need to call your bank to ensure that no unauthorized charges were made to your bank account after receiving an alarming email from Amazon for an iPad purchase you clearly didn’t make, you should do so before contacting us.
Call the bank first by copying the number exclusively from your physical paper agenda or paper note, not from your computer screen. In doubt, you call me and I will research the legit official number of your bank. After speaking with your bank, you can call me again afterwards and I will look at that email, message, pop up or fake tech call, and ensure it’s indeed it’s a scam.
Thank you
I thank you for considering signing up for my tech scam defense service against any types of tech support scam, any tech scams whatsoever and tech impersonators, bait emails and bogus pop up messages on your computer.
Each referral will also gain you one month free and your friends will get a one-time 50% off their initial (one time) sign up fee plus their first month will be free as well, on the house. Hooray!
Now let’s drink (water or coffee) to celebrate safety, kindness and hopefully a long and satisfactory business relationship between us.
Call now 516-828-1418 to sign up and mention the code “scam defense” to get your own very 50% discount on the initial one-time sign up fee plus the first month free on us. This special offer is limited because it is subject to sudden expiration at our discretion. We are also only accepting a limited number of signups for an exclusive quality and personalized service.
You might call and I might not have any spots available anymore, if this is the case, you would have to wait until further expansion as I wish not to sacrifice my personalized, human to human service, where I know you by your name and where you are not just another number.
Watch the documentary and investigation video above > which was one of my inspirational reasons that made me decide to help people like you and offer this tech scam defense service plan. The first, one of a kind and the only one so far in the world in the hope of inspiring others to do the same, and then maybe, just maybe, we can balance out the evil of these tech scams.
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Thank you.